Hey, I'm the creator of this comic; Ryan Gillis. I'm 15 and and a sophomore in highschool. I made Super monkey a while back, and he's one of my only comics I've really stuck with, I guess because he is the most fun to draw and write about. Hopefully you'll like him as much as I do. Anyhoo, I tend to get bored easily so I might throw in cameo comics occasionally, if super monkey ever gets a little too repetitive. I may be updating sporatically because I'm working on another more serious comic that may make some actual sense and won't involve flying monkeys, so I apologize for that. Either way, Keenspace is a bear to figure out for newbies, (at least it was for me), but thanks to some help, and even MORE help, I was able to get a site up. Don't go bothering those guys, just check out thier incredible comics. If you need any help to hesitate to drop ME a line though, or instant message me (if you have AOL or AIM) at Blimp58.

Enjoy the site, later!